Total Water Control

Total Water Control System for large cooling system applications - computer controlled system featuring
Deposit Controller, Ultra-violet Disinfection or Ionguard and Filtration. Low pressure systems to 6,000 gpm,high
pressure systems to 36,000 gpm for cooling tower, process water and other industrial applications.


120 GPM - Total Water Control System
Designed to treat 120 GPM/6 inch In/Out
of System (2–TWT-UV100-6) TWCS
Approximate Di m e n s i o n s : S i ze, H e i g h t ,W i d t h & D e p t h ( T B D )
Ap p r ox sump volume in gallons 10,000-15,000
Ap p r ox tonnage capacity (To Be Determ i n e d )
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC

Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
80 GPM - Total Water Control System
Designed to treat 80 GPM/4 inch In/Out
of System (T W T-UV100-6) TWCS Approximate
D i m e n s i o n s : S i ze, Height, Width & Depth (TBD)
Approx sump volume in gallons 6000-10,000
Approx tonnage capacity (To Be Determined)
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC

Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
50 GPM - Total Water Control System
TWT-TWCS-1000–Designed to treat 50 GPM/3 inch In/Out
of System (TWT-UV6000) TWCS Approximate Di m e n s i o n s :
S i ze,H e i g h t ,W i d t h &Depth (TBD)
Approx sump volume in gallons 4000-6000
Ap p r ox tonnage capacity (To Be Determ i n e d )
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC

Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
30 GPM - Total Water Control System
Designed to treat 30 GPM/ 2 inch In/ Out of System
(TWT-UV5000) TWCS Approximate Di m e n s i o n s :
S i ze, Height, Width & Depth (TBD)
Approx sump volume in gallons 0-4000
Approx tonnage capacity (To Be Determined)
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC

Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063