Total Water Control System for large cooling system applications - computer controlled system featuring
Deposit Controller, Ultra-violet Disinfection or Ionguard and Filtration. Low pressure systems to 6,000 gpm,high
pressure systems to 36,000 gpm for cooling tower, process water and other industrial applications.
Designed to treat 120 GPM/6 inch In/Out
of System (2–TWT-UV100-6) TWCS
Approximate Di m e n s i o n s : S i ze, H e i g h t ,W i d t h & D e p t h ( T B D )
Ap p r ox sump volume in gallons 10,000-15,000
Ap p r ox tonnage capacity (To Be Determ i n e d )
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC
Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
Designed to treat 80 GPM/4 inch In/Out
of System (T W T-UV100-6) TWCS Approximate
D i m e n s i o n s : S i ze, Height, Width & Depth (TBD)
Approx sump volume in gallons 6000-10,000
Approx tonnage capacity (To Be Determined)
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC
Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
TWT-TWCS-1000–Designed to treat 50 GPM/3 inch In/Out
of System (TWT-UV6000) TWCS Approximate Di m e n s i o n s :
S i ze,H e i g h t ,W i d t h &Depth (TBD)
Approx sump volume in gallons 4000-6000
Ap p r ox tonnage capacity (To Be Determ i n e d )
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC
Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
Designed to treat 30 GPM/ 2 inch In/ Out of System
(TWT-UV5000) TWCS Approximate Di m e n s i o n s :
S i ze, Height, Width & Depth (TBD)
Approx sump volume in gallons 0-4000
Approx tonnage capacity (To Be Determined)
Electrical power: 110/20 VAC / 220/30 VAC
Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063